1. Sales
  2. Sales Register


Learn how to setup and create quotes.

Quotes are available for PatientNow Essentials clients. To upgrade go to Manage Account > Modify/reactivate subscription plan.

quote example

Setup Quote Options

Quotes are created from tickets on hold in the Sales Register, to quote clients prior to purchase for services and product. To setup quotes, go to Company Settings > Sales Register Options >  Quote Options

company settings quote options

Show Witness Signature

Check this box to display a signature line for a witness on quotes.

Show Patient Signature

Check this box to display a signature line for the patient on quotes.

Top Quote Message

Enter text here to show and print on quotes below the patient and company information.

Quote Bottom Message

Enter text here to show and print on quotes. These notes show below the summary section of the quote.

Quote Logo

You can upload an image to be printed on your quotes. Any image larger than 300 x 300 pixels will shrink to fit while maintaining its proportions.

quote logo

CPT Code

You can add the "Current Procedural Terminology" code by editing the service list item and adding the 6 digit code in the text field.

Check Company & Patient Info

Once you've setup your quote options, double check your company and patient info. The highlighted areas below are what will be displayed on your quote for your company info. You will also want to make sure your patient name, email, patient id and DOB are correct. Make sure these are correct before quoting a patient/client.

company settings company info-1

Create a Quote

  • To create a quote for a patient/client,  you must first have an appointment for the services they will be quoted on.
  • Then, you can "check-out" that client to navigate to the sale register.
  • Place the ticket on hold by pressing the Put Ticket on Hold  button in the left menu.
    put ticket on hold button
  • After placing the ticket on hold you may then click the On Hold/GFE button. GFE stands for "Good Fortune Estimate". This will then bring up the On Hold Tickets list.
    on hold button
  • Click the Print button to print the quote.

Example Quote

quote example