Pet Options - Pet Types

How to add specific pet types to the pet types list

Pet Options are available with the Paws version of Envision.

The Pet Types List is where any specific pet types are added so they can be documented on a pet's record. The pet types are important for scheduling, as well as, ensuring service providers are prepared for their upcoming appointments. Pet Types are completely customizable to your company. Pictured below are more typical animal types, but if your grooming salon services exotic pets or farm animals, those can be added too! 

Client > Pet Options > Pet Types

pet types dropdown

Once selected, you will see the Pet Types list and you can add, edit or delete pet types.

pet types list

If you want to add a pet type, select the Add a New Type option on the left side menu of this page. You will see a popup screen to type in the name of your pet type and click Save.

pet types add