Treatment Screen - Weight Tab

An overview of the weight tab

The treatment screen is available with PatientNow Essentials. To upgrade your account, please contact our Sales Team at 800.436.3150 or

Weight and measurement information will show when the Weight Loss tab is selected. This information is entered on the Vitals tab and reflected here.

More information shows after scrolling to the right, including the client's "Waist to Height Ratio", "Waist to Hip Ratio", "Body Surface Area", "Surface-Based Body Shape Index", "A Body Shape Index" numbers.

weight tab

The charting tabs show a chart depicting the patient's weight and measurement loss progress since the beginning of the tracking period (usually their first visit or consultation). You can choose to view the patient's entire history, or the history for the current treatment program.

Treatment programs are added to the treatment program list and applied to individual client profiles.

weight tab chart

You must enter a gender (assigned sex) for the client in PatientNow: Essentials for the weight loss information to be correct in PatientNow: Essentials. Please also enter a birthday for calculations that require age (ie. BMR & TDEE).

Weight Loss Tab Glossary 


Body Mass Index. BMI =(Body Mass)(Body Height)2 kg/m2

Underweight = <18.5 kg/m2, Normal = 18.5 - 24.9 kg/m2, Overweight/Obese = >30 kg/m2,

Activity Factor

A numerical expression of how active a person is in their daily life:

  • Sedentary = 1.2
  • Lightly active = 1.375
  • Moderately active = 1.55
  • Very active = 1.725
  • Super active = 1.9


Basal Metabolic Rate. BMR=10weight(kg)+height(cm)-5age(years)+5. BMR is measured in calories/day. (Note: this calculation requires you to enter a birthday for the client in PatientNow: Essentials.)


Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It estimates how many calories your body burns daily by accounting for three major contributing factors: BMR, activity level, and the thermic effect of food metabolism. TDEE=BMR Activity Factor. (Note: this calculation requires you to enter a birthday for the client in PatientNow Essentials.)


Vertical trunk circumference. Measures from the back of the mid-shoulder, through the crotch, and up to the fullest part of the chest. Denoted as the red line in the image below:


Blood pressure.

BF %

Body Fat Percentage. Often measured using skin fold calipers or body circumference measurements (as available in PatientNow: Essentials).


Waist-to-height ratio.


Waist-to-hip ratio.


Body surface area. BSA=Weight Height60, where weight is measured in kg and height is measured in cm.


Surface-based Body Shape Index. SBSI =(H2)(WC)BSA VTC


A Body Shape Index, sometimes called just Body Shape Index (BSI). ABSI=WCBMI2/3 height1/2, where waist and height are measured in cm and weight is measured in kg.


Blood pressure. 


Waist circumference