Treatment Screen - Documents Tab

How to upload Documents using the Documents Tab on the Treatment Screen

The treatment screen is available with PatientNow Essentials. To upgrade your account, please contact our Sales Team at 800.436.3150 or

You can use this section of the Treatment Screen, you can upload documents for treatments.

document tab on treatment screen

Client's treatment-related documents may be uploaded or viewed here and assigned a category for easier sorting. Categories must be entered in the Document Categories List.

Upload Documents

Selecting the Upload Files button will allow you to add documents to the client's record for the treatment performed.

upload documents

Steps to upload a document:

  1. Choose the Select button.
  2. Navigate within the computer files to the document you wish to add. Once chosen, the document name will show in the Files field.
  3. Select the Category you wish to assign to the document. Categories must be entered in the Document Categories List. Click Upload to continue.

View Documents

Selecting the magnifying glass on the treatment screen's documents tab will open a new tab to allow you to view the document. From this screen, you can view the document or use the tools at the top of the window to download or print the document.