Pet Options - Veterinarian List

How to add a Veterinarian to client's pet profile

Pet Options are available with the Paws version of Envision.

The Vet List is where your pet's veterinarians are added so they can be documented on a pet's record. The inclusion of veterinarians on the Vet List is important, especially in the event of a medical concern during grooming because the pet's vet on file can be notified. This helps to ensure the health and safety of the pets you service!

Clients > Pet Options > Veterinarian List

pet vet dropdown

Once selected, you will be lead to the Vet List, where you can add, edit or delete any veterinarians. You can search for vets through the vet's name, phone, email or city.

pet vet lis

To add a new vet, select the Add a New Vet option on the left hand side menu of the Vet List

pet vet add