Medication List

How to add a medication to the Medication List

The Treatment Screen is available with PatientNow Essentials. To upgrade your account, please contact our Sales Team at 800.436.3150 or

The Medication List is where you can input any current or past medications in your patient's medical history (PMHx) tab on their Treatment Record. 💊

To open the Medication List, hover over Medical on the menu bar, hover over Medical Options, and click on the Medication List. 

Medical > Medical Options > Medication List

medication list

Click the Add a New Medication button to manually add a medication to your list. 

add new medication

The medications in this list will appear under the PMHx tab in your patient's Treatment Record. medications on treatment screen

To add a medication to their patient history, click the (+) plus symbol next to Medications and select the User Defined tab. Then, select the Medication dropdown and click on the medication you want to add to your patient's record. 

medication popup

Click Save✔️ when you are finished.

💡 Helpful Tip: You can also add new medications via this screen! Just type the medication name in the "or new Medication Type" field and click Save. This medication will then automatically be added to the Medication List.