1. Schedule
  2. Schedule Options

Holiday/Off Days

How to setup Holiday/Off Days for your business

Setup Holiday/Off Days  

Holidays can now be used to set days for your business to close. When a holiday is set, online booking will show 0 available times for the holiday. The waiting list will not scan or show availability for holidays. If you attempt to book an appointment on a holiday, a warning will appear to alert you are attempting to book on a holiday, but if you wish to book on a holiday, you can bypass the warning.

Schedule > Schedule Options > Setup Holiday/Off Days

holidays dropdown

Once on the Holidays/ Off Days list screen, you can add, edit and delete holidays or off days. If you want to add a new holiday for your business, select the Add a New Day Off button.

Add a description or title to the Day Off and the date for the holiday/off day. Be sure to hit Save.

 add a new day off

Below is an example of the Edit Holiday screen.

edit holiday-1