1. Schedule
  2. Schedule Options

Appointment Types

How to setup an appointment type

Setting an appointment type on a client's services for the day can allow you to classify the appointments. These classifications show in several reports in Envision. They are also used when creating employee goal plans.

Enhanced Goal Tracking is available in the Preferred & Ultimate editions of Envision. To upgrade, please contact our Sales Team at 800.231.9445 or sales@ennoview.com.

To set up your appointment types, hover over Schedule in the Tool Bar, hover over the Schedule Options, and select Appointment Types from the drop down menu.

Schedule > Schedule Options > Appointment Types

The appointment type list comes with several default options preset in the program. New Client, Shop Client, Repeat/Request and Referral are all types used for retention. You may add types to this list but the default selections may not be deleted and will not show here. You may choose to hide the default appointment types from the appointment schedule in the Calendar Options section in the Company Settings. Select to Add a New Type to be able to add a new type, or double-click over an existing type to open the record.

You will be able to add a custom name and color for the appointment type.

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Appointment Types are used when booking appointments to be able to designate the appointment as a type. The Appointment Type will be written in the appropriate color you have selected. 

book appt page with appt type-1


When one of the appointment type options is selected, the corresponding color will show as a border around the appointment.

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